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[Various criteria related to conscious sedation]

[ASA classification]

- I: The patient is normal and healthy.
- II: The patient has mild systemic disease that does not limit their activities
- III: The patient has moderate or severe systemic disease, which does limit their activities
- IV: The patient has severe systemic disease that is a constant potential threat to life
- V: The patient is morbid and is at substantial risk of death within 24 hours
- E: Emergency stats: in addition to indicating underlying ASA status (I-V), any patient undergoing an emergency procedure is indicated by the suffix "E"

[Level of sedation and analgesia]

Minimal sedation (anxiolysis)
- Normal response to verbal commands
- Impaired cognitive function & coordination

Moderate sedation (conscious sedation)
- Purposeful response to verbal or tactile stimulation
- Ventilatory and cardiovascular function are maintained

Deep sedation
- Purposeful response to painful stimulation
- Airway support may be required

General anesthesia
- Unarousable, even to painful stimulation
- Often require assistance in maintaining airway, cardiovascular function may be impaired

Âü°í¹®Çå: Cohen LB. Gastroenterology 2007;133:675-701

[Ramsey sedation scale]

- 1: awake and anxious, agitated, or restless
- 2: awake, cooperative, accepting ventilation, oriented, tranquil
- 3: awake, responds only to commands
- 4: asleep; brisk response to light glabellar tap or loud noise
- 5: asleep; sluggish response to light glabellar tap or louse noise stimulus but does not respond to painful stimulus
- 6: asleep; no response to light glabellar tap or lous noise

[Adlrete scoring system to determine when to discharge]

Âü°í¹®Çå: Cohen LB. Gastroenterology 2007;133:675-701

[Mallampati score used to predict difficult intubation]

Âü°í¹®Çå: Cohen LB. Gastroenterology 2007;133:675-701
