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[Morphologic change by histamine 2 receptor antagonist (H2RA)]
When an ulcerative lesion is found in a symptomatic patient, some kind of acid suppressing medication (H2RA or PPI) is immediately prescribed.
Whan an ulcerative lesion is found in the screening endoscopy of asymptomatic individual, would you give H2RA or PPI immediately? Or not. If the ulcer is very large, or there are some kinds of bleeding stigmata, it is very common to prescribe some medications.
A large and deep ulcer with brown pigmentation was found in the screening endoscopy. The final pathology was adenocarcinoma (M/D). H2RA was immediately prescribed. When I repeated EGD after referral, the ulcer was almost closed. Biopsies also showed malignancy, so subtotal gatrectomy was done. The final surgical pathology (subtotal gastrectomy) was "AGC, mimicking EGC, M/D, proper muscle invasion, LN (-)".
In the natural history of gastric cancer, an ulcerative lesion can be partially healed without medication. However, if you give H2RA or PPI, the ulcer can be closed very quickly. This morphologic change can be confusing. In this case, it looks like an AGC before medication, but looks like an EGC after H2RA.
Similar case. Morphologic change by 2 week course of H2RA
Initial biopsy was negative for malignancy, but the follow-up biopsy for partially healed ulcer was signet ring cell carcinoma.
EGC, adenocarcinoma (P/D), 2.0 x 1.0 cm, LP, 0/37
Opioids are inevitable for many cancer patients, but they are not free from adverse effects. Professor Ji Kon Ryu at Seoul National University discussed "General approaches to the management of opioid adverse effects" in the recent review (Journal of Digestive Cancer Reports 2013;1(2):67-72). He mentioned 4 strategies; (1) dose reduction of systemic opoid, (2) symptomatic management, (3) opioid rotation, (4) switching route of systemic administration. Among them, opoid rotation was interesting for me.
Many studies have reported successful reduction in opioid side effects by switching from the currently administered opioid to an alternative opioid. This approach has been termed opioid rotation, and it is also commonly referred to as opioid switching or opioid substitution. The biological basis for the observed intra-individual variability in sensitivity to opioid analgesia and adverse effects is multifactorial. This approach requires familiarity with a range of opioid agonists and with the use of the opioid dose conversion tables when switching between opiiods. However, it is important to appreciate that doses calculated using such tables may not be accurate among patients tolerant to opioids. In one prospective study, 20% of patients had to undergo two or more switches until a satisfactory outcome was achieved.
[Removing air before retrieving the ESD specimen]
The final step of ESD is the retrieval of the resected tissue. I previously used no device for the retrieval. I just applied some negative pressure, so that the resected tissue is strongly attached to the distal end of the capped endoscope. The tissue was pulled out with the endoscope. However, it was difficult to remove the residual air in the stomach with this method. If there remains a lot of air in the stomach after ESD, it may cause discomfort or belching.
Since a few months ago, I have been using endoscopic net for the retrieval of the resected tissue. After grasping the resected tissue with the net, I apply intermittent negative pressure for about 10 seconds, so that the air in the stomach can be removed. As you can see in the following picture, most air can be removed with this method.
It is difficult to measure the patient's discomfort objectively, but I have a feeling that the patients seem to be more comfortable after removing enough air. If the stomach remained collapsed, the chance of delayed bleeding may be low.
I recommend to remove as much air as possible before retrieving the ESD specimen.
2013 뺧 ũ (Randy Schekman) ڵ ǥ ¿ Ͽ Ҹ ߽ϴ (). " м Ƿ Ѵٴ йڰ ڵ Ͽ Ģ ϰ ֽ ϴ о߸ Ѵٰ "߽ϴ. Inappropriate incentive ǥߴ.
Randy Schekman
[2013-12-10. 췲 ] "ó м а " 뺧
뺧 л ũ(65) UCŬ ó, , ̾ м ڽ ۼ ʰڴٰ ߴ.
ũ 9(ð) ϰ м ɰ ǥϸ鼭 а谡 ̵ м (tyranny) ݵ Ѵ١ ٰ մ ߴ.
ũ м Ƿ Ѵٴ йڰ ڵ Ͽ Ģ ϰ ֽ ϴ о߸ Ѵٰ ߴ. ̵ м Ȱ ڵ ƴ϶ ܼ μ ū ȣϴ Ű ִٰ ״ .
״ Ư ߱п м Ǹ ڵ鿡 3 밡 ϴµ, Ϻ ڵ ڽ ̸ ϰ ִٰ ߴ. ̵ м ڸ ϴ ؼ " ڵ мǵ̳ʵ "̶ ߴ.
ũ м οƴ 跮ȭ ϴ ô νĵǴ 'ο'(impact factor) ؼ " οǴ ŭ , ü ų ڱ̰ų ߸Ʊ ִ" ߴ.
ũ " 뺧 Ȱ м ؿ, ̻ "̶ ߴ. ״ ƮƮ ¶ ̶(eLife) ð ִ. ó, , ̾ ̶ Ȱ ڵ Ǹ ΰ ϸ ư ְ ߴ.
ó ʸ ͺ ũ "츮 ߿伺 Ѵ" οǰ п ҰǸ鼭 , ó ε ͵ ϴ ƴϴ١ ݹߴ.
[2013-12-9. The Guardian] How journals like Nature, Cell and Science are damaging science
I am a scientist. Mine is a professional world that achieves great things for humanity. But it is disfigured by inappropriate incentives. The prevailing structures of personal reputation and career advancement mean the biggest rewards often follow the flashiest work, not the best. Those of us who follow these incentives are being entirely rational ? I have followed them myself ? but we do not always best serve our profession's interests, let alone those of humanity and society.
We all know what distorting incentives have done to finance and banking. The incentives my colleagues face are not huge bonuses, but the professional rewards that accompany publication in prestigious journals ? chiefly Nature, Cell and Science.
These luxury journals are supposed to be the epitome of quality, publishing only the best research. Because funding and appointment panels often use place of publication as a proxy for quality of science, appearing in these titles often leads to grants and professorships. But the big journals' reputations are only partly warranted. While they publish many outstanding papers, they do not publish only outstanding papers. Neither are they the only publishers of outstanding research.
These journals aggressively curate their brands, in ways more conducive to selling subscriptions than to stimulating the most important research. Like fashion designers who create limited-edition handbags or suits, they know scarcity stokes demand, so they artificially restrict the number of papers they accept. The exclusive brands are then marketed with a gimmick called "impact factor" ? a score for each journal, measuring the number of times its papers are cited by subsequent research. Better papers, the theory goes, are cited more often, so better journals boast higher scores. Yet it is a deeply flawed measure, pursuing which has become an end in itself ? and is as damaging to science as the bonus culture is to banking.
It is common, and encouraged by many journals, for research to be judged by the impact factor of the journal that publishes it. But as a journal's score is an average, it says little about the quality of any individual piece of research. What is more, citation is sometimes, but not always, linked to quality. A paper can become highly cited because it is good science ? or because it is eye-catching, provocative or wrong. Luxury-journal editors know this, so they accept papers that will make waves because they explore sexy subjects or make challenging claims. This influences the science that scientists do. It builds bubbles in fashionable fields where researchers can make the bold claims these journals want, while discouraging other important work, such as replication studies.
In extreme cases, the lure of the luxury journal can encourage the cutting of corners, and contribute to the escalating number of papers that are retracted as flawed or fraudulent. Science alone has recently retracted high-profile papers reporting cloned human embryos, links between littering and violence, and the genetic profiles of centenarians. Perhaps worse, it has not retracted claims that a microbe is able to use arsenic in its DNA instead of phosphorus, despite overwhelming scientific criticism.
There is a better way, through the new breed of open-access journals that are free for anybody to read, and have no expensive subscriptions to promote. Born on the web, they can accept all papers that meet quality standards, with no artificial caps. Many are edited by working scientists, who can assess the worth of papers without regard for citations. As I know from my editorship of eLife, an open access journal funded by the Wellcome Trust, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Max Planck Society, they are publishing world-class science every week.
Funders and universities, too, have a role to play. They must tell the committees that decide on grants and positions not to judge papers by where they are published. It is the quality of the science, not the journal's brand, that matters. Most importantly of all, we scientists need to take action. Like many successful researchers, I have published in the big brands, including the papers that won me the Nobel prize for medicine, which I will be honoured to collect tomorrow.. But no longer. I have now committed my lab to avoiding luxury journals, and I encourage others to do likewise.
Just as Wall Street needs to break the hold of the bonus culture, which drives risk-taking that is rational for individuals but damaging to the financial system, so science must break the tyranny of the luxury journals. The result will be better research that better serves science and society.
ȸ ֱ "ǿ , յ ٲ ̰" ̷ӽϴ. ο(impact factor) ϴٺ б ư, ̾, Ǿٴ ź̾ϴ. Ǿڰ ǰ η ã ٴ Դϴ. Ϻθ űϴ.
... ̰ ǰ ֵ ӿ롤 ο(Impact Factor) ߽ ̷ ̴. ο ο ǹϴ 켱 м ϱ ߵ ǥ. 츮 ʿ ǿ ٸ ʰп ο ٴ ̴. 忡 ̴ ǿ ȭ ٸ ο ȸ ̴. 2012 ִ ο 37, Ű 31, õ 23 ǿ оߴ Ʈ 3.4, 4.1, Ǽ 4.5 Ұߴ. Ȳ ̷ ̰ е ġ ִ ǿ ٴ ϰ ִ.
... ʱ ̰ ü踦 ؾ Ѵ. ̸ ο ߽ ü迡 ȸ ݿ ü踦 ؾ Ѵ. ̰ ־, л о 뵵 âǼ .
... ֱ ̰谡 ȭ ̰ ִ. KAIST ֱ ڴ ƴ϶ ȭ Ѵ١ 'ǻ籸 ž' ÿ .
Ƿ踸 ƴϾϴ. 赵 ϴ. ʿ й ̰ impact factor µ ߵǰ ִٴ Ȱϴ. ȯ ߽ ȯ ߽̾ մϴ. Impact factor ϴ. 츮 ȯڿ ʿ ̾ մϴ. 忡 ʿ ϴ ؾ մϴ. Impact factor ϴ. ȯڴ 뷮ϴ Ǵ뱳 ʽϴ. ٻ 뷮ϴ ʽϴ.
Impact factor ̰ ǿ մϴ. Ѹ Դϴ. ڴ ϴ ؾ ߴ ô밡 ־ϴ. Ҿϴ. , ġٺ δ Ǹѵ ְδ 뷮ϰ Ǿϴ. ο 븦 ƽϴ. ̵ ȭ ʿմϴ. մϴ. ְ ʿմϴ. "ŷ ְ ִ " ãƾ մϴ.
ãô. ȯڴ impact factor ǻ纸ٴ ڽ ġִ ǻ, ġῡ ʿ technique Ϻϰ ϴ ǻ, ڽŰ ϴ ǻ, ΰ̰ ǻ縦 մϴ. 츮 ȯڵ 䱸 ݿؾ մϴ. Impact factor Ϻ Դϴ.
ѱ翡 å űϴ. , ġȭ ִ ϴ Դϴ. п ߿ ġȭ ϴ. ູ ġȭϰڽϱ? Well-being, well-dying ġȭϰڽϱ?
å () ι о߿ 'ǹ' '' '' پ ظ ؼ '() ' ʿϴٰ Ѵ. ݼ ɷ, Ű ߸ ܼ ڰ ƴ ǹ ̷а , ȸСġССС پ о߿ ο ִٴ ̴. [2014-3-8. Ϻ]
ũ (Randy Schekman) 鼭 ϰ ˴ϴ. 츮 ϱ?
â Ȥ Ե ۾ ô ̶ ߽ϴ. η ູ, Ȥ ǰ Ͽ ϰ ô Ե 鼭 ź ġ Ͽϴ. ó Ÿ ... غ 簡 ʽϴ.
Ÿ ְ ̱ ϴ. η ູ ö ֽϴ. ȣɵ ߿ Դϴ. ݸ ܼ ߸̳ ʿ䶧 ֽϴ. fund ޱ Ͽ Ȥ fund ұ Ǵ ֽϴ.
̱ ۾ 찡 ϴ. ̱ Ͽ, ϱ Ͽ, ϱ Ͽ, ϸ ϱ? ݴ б ̷ Ͽ , ڷḦ мϿ, ִ ˱ ǥǴ ʽϴ. "̷ ?" κ ̱ Դϴ. " ڼ ϸ ٵ ʹ ѷ ǥ ƴѰ?" κ ̱ Դϴ.
̱ ǿ ϴ. κк ô.
1. : ȯڿ Ǵ ٴ SCI ǥϱ õ˴ϴ. о߿ ϰ ˴ϴ. ۿ , 츮 ȯڵ ҿܵ˴ϴ. ̱ ο Ʊ Ͽ ̱ ϴ 찡 ϱ? 츮ʹ õ ̱ ٻ ο Ǿٰ DZϴ ѽϱ ϴ. 츮 ϴ ã ƴٴ ó ϴ. 츮 츮 Ÿ ͵ ̿ õ Դϴ. ϸ ϰ ִ 찡 ϴ.
2. : ϴ. SCI Դϴ. 츮 reject ˴ϴ.
3. ۼ: ڽ Ἥ ܱ ǥմϴ. ƽϴ. 츮 ϴ ϱ? 츮 ȸ ȭ ϱ? ܱμ ̹ ӽ ƽϴ. 츮 ε 츮 ۼ ϴ. ü ΰ? Ǹ 츮 ǿ 츮 ɱ?
ũ ݼմϴ. ݱ ۾, ۾ ü ̾?
̶̱ ƴմϴ. ̱ ൿ ֽϴ. Ĵ Ͽ ϴ. մ ְ ູ մϴ. ٵ ̱ Ȳ noblesse oblige ϸ غ, ٺ Ǵ, Ұ Ǵ ̸ ֽϴ. , ݸ ݸ Ӱ ɱ?
ȯڸ ϰ 츮 Ǵ Ѵٰ մϴ. ణ Ÿ ʼԴϴ. ũ 纸Ͽ 50 50 ڽϱ? ̱ 50%, Ÿ 50% ۾ϸ ڽϱ? SCI ƴϴ, impact factor , ϴ ƴϴ 츮 ȯڵ鿡 ʿ ڷḦ мϿ 츮 츮 忡 ϸ ڽϱ?
SCI ƴ , Ե ʴ , 츮 ...... 츮 ô. 츮 ⸦ մϴ. 1 1!!!!!
[2014-3-13. Update] ۽Ÿ õų Դϴ. ΰ ɷ̶ ū ̰ ϴ. Ͽ ϰ ϰ ִµ Ư ´ٸ ״ õų Դϴ. Ϻ ڰ ۽Ÿ ߽ϴ. Ұ ̿ ߶Ͽϴ. õ ֽϴ. νŸ õԴϴ. DNA 鵵 õԴϴ. ۽Ÿ ϴ.
[2014-3-13. Ź] ɼ , ̹ ڻ ǥ Ȥ ǿ Ʈ 硱
ɼ þ ڱؾ߱ٴɼȹ(STAP) ̲ Ϻ ȭп īŸ Ϸ(۰30) ڻ ǥ Ȥ ۽ο.
ŷڼ ̾ Ұ鼭 а迡 Ϻ Ȳ켮 ¡ ϴ Ҹ ִ.
ƻŹ īŸ ڻ ͼٴп պκ ̱ ǿ(NIH) Ʈ ٰ 12 ߴ.
[ֵ 亯] EndoTODAY Ͽ Բ ּ̽ϴ. ϴ. Ұմϴ.
"̹ EndoTODAY ϴ. ... SCI ʹ ... ȯڸ ...
Ե ð ... ٺδ ð ʹ ŵ... ܱ ؼ , , ῡ ʹ Ͻô ... ߿ϴٰ ϴ.
ȯḦ ʹ ؿ. 縳̾ ȯ Ժ 濵ڿԼ й . ģ 1 ø° ִٰ ؿ. ϴ ְ...
ȯ 츮 7-8... ð 3 ... Կȯ 5... ̷ Ƹ ƴٰ ϰ. ð ƾ ȯڿ ģ ?
Ÿ ῡ 100-150. ð 1Ÿӿ 30-40. ̰ ƴ ;. ..
츮 ȭ ȸ п ó 1Ÿ ̵ ǥ ڽϴ. ̰. ǻ絵 Ÿ ̻ Ẹ ڵ ŸӾƿ̶ ? 1 100ð ä ¥ Ⱓ ̶ մϴ. װ ... Ϸ ̻ ִ° ƴ϶ Ϸ Ǿ װ ߵ °鵵 ϴ "
մϴ. 4ð 50 ϰ ֽϴ. 10п 2-3 ˴ϴ. Ȥ оֱⰡ Ǹ 10п 4 DZ մϴ. Ȳ ֽϴ. ũ ؼ ٿŵ. ٳົ ߽ϴ.
ȯ 忡 ϴ. ָ ֿ Ȥ ̶ £ ġ ѷϴ. ãƿԽϴ. "ȯڿ Ȳǥ" ȭ ϴ. ȭ ϴ. 10п 4 ̶... ־ ð 2 30??? ̳ Դϴ. ѹα Ƿ ǥȭ Ǿϴ ( ǥȭ Ǿ ʽϴ). ٸ Ẹ . ̰ ѹα Ƿ ǥԴϴ. ӵ. Դϴ. ӵ ѹα Ƿ ǥԴϴ.
ȯڴ ̷ ϴ. ", ̹, ѹ ٸ Ḧ ?"
ϴ. ΰǰ Ȱϴ. ٸ ϴ. Option Դϴ. ѹα ѹα մϴ. ĵ ϴ ѹα ŸԴϴ. ּ̽ϴ. е ּ̽ϴ. ٸ ϴ. ̰ 迡 Ǹϴٴ ѹα ǷýԴϴ. Ѱ ̶ ϴ. Ȯմϴ. پ մϴ. ġ ϳ Ǯ ϴ.
EndoTODAY ̷ ̾߱⸦ ͵ ٸ ƴմϴ. ̷ ġڴ Դϴ. ڴ Դϴ. Ḹ ڴ Դϴ. ڴ Դϴ. ĥ ϴ. ʹ ֽϴ. 絶 ǷẸ ߸ ù ...
ϳ ľ մϴ. ϳ ġص ΰ ʿմϴ. Ϲ Ƿ ϴ ڸε ̷ ϴ. ϰ ڴ Դϴ. ź ø ð սô. ̾߱⸦ սô. ...
ֵ 幮 Բ å ּ̽ϴ. մϴ.
ϳ ϸ ''Դϴ. Ȧϰ ϴ ϴ. ־ volume ô ϴ. ̸ ʰ ȲԴϴ. ڲ ٰ ֽϴ. ϴ. ' ȯ ȯ ' Դϴ.
ݱ ǥ ( ܿ ڼ о ֽϴ. մϴ) impact factor ְ̰ ο뵵 fellow ġ ó Դϴ (Am J Gastroenterol. 2003). ù Դϴ. ķδ ٰ . impact factor 1 ƽƽմϴ. β ʽϴ. Դ '' ߿ϴϱ. ־ϴ. ེ ϴ impact factor ʰ ڸ ϴ. ~~~ λ 鿡 ٴ Դϴ. impact factor ϰ մϴ. ӿ е . ư ϴ. Something new... ̷ ʽϴ. Me too, me three... ̷ ʽϴ. ñϰ ̰ ׳ մϴ. ٺ ǹ̸ ã ˴ϴ. Ȥ ȯڿ... ϴ. û reject ˴ϴ. Impact factor ϴ.
ϰ ᵵ ϴ ϴ. ׳ ߰ ϴ. ϸ鼭 ᵵ ϴ ϴ. ̴ ݸ ̸ ξ Ḧ ִ 찡 ϴ. Դϴ. ſ ῡ Դ ȯڸ Ƿ ʽϴ. 'ȯ' ' material' Դϴ. ׳ ص ȯڸ ִ ǻ縦 ȣմϴ. Ƿ մϴ.
ؼ Ұմϴ. ƴ ϴ. ٽ ѹ 帳ϴ.
ֽ , ο 繰 ˴ϴ. ũ Ұϸ鼭 ̴ּ ū Ǿϴ.
Ƿ ȯ濡 /fellow Ȱ ϴ ϴ. ƴ϶ Ȱ Ŀ ֽϴ. Ÿ /fellow ɷ ° ȯǾ Ǵ Դϴ. bedside ȯڸ , ظ д 谡 ٶ ǻ ̾µ, impactor score ο ǥ /fellow ɷִٰ ˴ϴ. ̷ ȭ ΰ غϴ.
Ͽ /fellow ʰ, specific article нϴ. (Ȥ Ĺ, ) impact factor ο Ǹ о ʰ, ׳ ηմϴ. 鼭 ᰡ ٴ Ǹ Ͽ ᳪ ʴ´ٸ ǹ̰ ְڽϱ? Բ ֽ , ̶ 質 Ĺ踦 ƴ βϴ.
. Բ ֽô EndoTODAY ϰ ֽϴ. Ͱ Բ ˼۽ ־ϴ. Ȳ 밨ϰ Բ Ϸ մϴ. â , ׳ Ѿ ϰ ֽϴ.
ְ о å Բ 帮 Ḧ ͽϴ. ü Բ · å ½ϴ. Ұ ' ǻ 'Դϴ. ó ǻ簡 Ǿ Ḧ ϴ ǻ ϱ ҼԴϴ. Ƿ 鿩ٺ ͵ , ο ȯ濡 ؾϴ 츮 ǻ ִ ϴ. Ȳ̳ å а ⸦ ϴ.
ò , Բ ϴ ǻ Ͻô а ſ մϴ. Բ ϴ ǻ ϽŴٸ, ȸμ ȸ ̾ մϴ. ٻ ο ȸ ϵ μ ſ Դϴ.
Բ ǻ Ƴ ŵ, ̹ κ ȭ⳻ðǻ ϰ ֽϴ. , ǻ縦 ϸ鼭 1 ʾƵ, ϸ ǻ麸 ξ ̹ Ǿ ֽϴ.
Բ ָ ô ȸ ô, EndoToday η κ ǻ縦 缺Ͻô ø Ͻϴ.
[2014-4-17. 亯] EndoTODAY Ͽ ҽϴ. ǰ մϴ. 帰 ڸ ſϰ ϴ ƴϾϴ. ʰ ϰ 帰 帳ϴ.
ǵ ϴ ο ִٴ ƴϾϴ. ƴϾϴ. ִ ϴ 츮 Ⱑ Ÿ Դϴ. ϸ ٸ ϴ. ȿ ϸ Ͱ ϴٰ ұ.
츮 а迡 ӻ̶ ϴ. ȯ Ϻθ Ǵ ⸦ Ÿմϴ. Ȥ ð ϰ õõ ϰ ȿ ȯڸ ϴ Ͽ غ ?
ǵ ߿ ǹִ ε... κ Ÿ Դϴ. , о Դϴ. , , balance ϰ ; Դϴ. balance ѳ ΰ ڴ Ͽ ֽø ϰڽϴ.
Ե ϰ 帰 ϴ. 帳ϴ.
[2014-4-18. ֵ ] ȳϼ? hepatology endotoday ð Ӹ ƴ϶ ⺻ ǿ 鿡 ް ֽϴ. Բ ̴ּ ӻǻν ڼ ſ Ͽ ÷ о ؼ Ʈ ξϴ. faculty ; Ȱ ֽϴ. Ư ǻ ̿ ȯ Ẹ 켱õǴ ߸Ǿٰ մϴ.
ǻ ϼ ȯڿ Ѵٰ մϴ. ̰ ǻ Դϴ. Ȱ ƴ ȯڸ Ǿ Ѵٰ մϴ. ̹ 츮 ʹ Ͼϴ. ̰ ᱹ ⺻ ͵ ̶ մϴ. Ƿ ȯڸ ϴ ⺻ ϴٸ ϰ ̶ մϴ. ǰ߿ ٸ ǰ Ե ð ʹ մϴ
[2014-4-18. 亯] ݷ մϴ.
չٴ Դϴ. ⺻ ƴ ϴ. ǻ ⺻ Դϴ. Ѵٰ ִ ƴմϴ. Ḧ ִ ǻ մϴ. ġ Ʒؾ մϴ. 츮 ġ ǻ Ȧ ƴѰ մϴ.
߿մϴ. б ɷ Ǹؾ մϴ. ϴ ʿ ʽϴ. ϰ, ְ, 츮 Ƿý ؾ մϴ. ̸ մϱ? ҿ .
̷ (research monopoly) Դϴ. ϰ, μ ϰ, ϰ...... (̴ ġ ̶ Դϴ) ϴ Ȳ Դϴ. ϴ ϳ ʽϴ. Դϴ. ΰ ξ ߿ ? ɷ ξ ߿ ?
⺻ ߿ؾ Ѵٴ մϴ.
ϴ. ⺻ ߿մϴ. ٰ սô. Ⱑ ߽ϴ. Ͽ pilot ̷ ߴϿϴ. Ȳ ° Ǹ Ѵٴ ̳ ˴ϱ? װ 츮Դϴ. ° Ͽ ó ° ݴϴ Դϴ. ̷ ȭ ӵ˴ϴ. ̷ ⺻ ľ մϴ.
Ḧ ֵ ġ ʰ 忡 ǻ縦 ִ 츮 ǷԴϴ. Pilot Ʒù Ÿ ϴ Ͱ Դϴ. װ ȵǰ ֽϴ. Ÿϴ. ݼմϴ.
[2014-4-23. ] ȭȸ Խϴ. "ȣ ħ ֵ ǥϸ ȸ Ź帮 Դϴ." ټ ̶ ΰ Բϴ µ Ͽ ȸ ϰ մϴ. ǵ Դϴ. 츮 system Ͽ. ν system Ͽ. µ Ͽ.
[2014-4-24. ֵ ǰ] к 鼭 Ͽ 켱ؾ ϴ. Ƿ ð ؾ Ѵٰ մϴ. 켱 Ͽ 뷱 ߿ϴٰ մϴ. Ͻô Ե κ ʹ Ȧ ȸϼ̽ϴ.
б 3 η ִٰ ߽ϴ.
1. ῡ - ȸ̳ ٴ ῡ Ͻð, ȸ ῡ ð Դϴ. ȸǥ ־ ̸ ϴ 찡 ϴ.
2. ȸ - ̳ Ẹٴ ȸ ǥϰ ̸ ̴µ ϴ
3. (ۼ) - ƴ Ϸ ۼ Ŵʴϴ... û SCI
б Կ ʴ ̾µ, μƼ 鼭 Կ Ե Ÿ ϴ. ῡ 켱 Ƿ ε ġ ϴ.
ֽô ް ֽϴ. ῡ 뵵 ֽϴ. ι 鿡 ٷ ּ մϴ. ȯ ϼ.
[2014-4-24. 亯] ȸ ʽϴ. ⺻ (Ȥ ) ϸ鼭 ȸ ϴ ʳ մϴ. ȸ ϴ. ʹ (Ȥ ) ū ϴ. ְ ˴ϴ. ڽ ƺ ȸ ʹ ̷ մϴ.
ȸ full time ʿմϴ. Ḧ Բϴ ǰбμ ȸϿ ϱ о߰ ϴ. Ư ȭ⳻ ǻ ⺻ ū ȸȰ ϱ Դϴ. , 뱹 ϱ ƽϴ. Full time ʿմϴ. ϴ. ...... ǰ մϴ.