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[SmallTODAY 029 - Duodenal cancer]
55 years old woman visited the health screening center due to abdominal pain for a few weeks. A duodenal lesion was found and referred. What is your impression?
Immediately after referral, endoscopic examination was done.
The pathology was adenocarcinoma (M/D). However, there were multiple hepatic metastatis.
When I review the initial endoscopy and second endoscopic images, it looks like an acute benign duodenal ulcer with severe edematous change. Is there a clue suggessting cancer? It is very difficult. Compared the small ulcer crator, the mucosal edema is too severe. Benign ulcer symptoms usually disappear very quickly with medication. Considering the prominent edema and persistent symptom after medication may be important for the correct diagnosis. Biopsies are necessary for initial severe duodenal ulcer to rule out malignancy.
1) EsoTODAY - 십이지장질환 증례토의
2) SmallTODAY - 소장질환 증례토의
3) ColonTODAY - 대장질환 증례토의
4) Dr. Sinn's LiverTODAY - 간질환 증례토의
© 일원내시경교실 바른내시경연구소 이준행. EndoTODAY Endoscopy Learning Center. Lee Jun Haeng. (2020-4-4)