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[다양한 대장 질환 029 - Colon cancer with bilateral ovarian metastasis]

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일전에 부인암 대장전이와 Double primary (부인암 + 대장암)를 소개하였습니다. 이번에는 대장암이 양쪽 난소로 전이한 경우입니다. 그런데 대장 병소보다 양쪽 난소 병소가 훨씬 커서 놀랐습니다.

Descending colon, left hemicolectomy:
Adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated ;
1. Location: descending colon
2. Gross type: ulceroinfiltrative
3. Size: 5.1x4 cm
4. Depth of invasion: penetrates visceral peritoneum(pT4a)
5. Resection margin: free from carcinoma
6. Regional lymph node metastasis : Metastasis to 4 out of 13 regional lymph nodes(pN2)
7. Lymphatic invasion: present
8. Venous invasion: not identified
9. Perineural invasion: present(extramural)
10. Tumor budding : positive (5-9)
11. Micropapillary component: no
12. Tumor border: infiltrative
13. Associated findings : omental seeding (tumor size: up to 1.5x1.5 cm)
14. Peritoneal cytology: negative
15. Pathologic staging: pT4a pN1c

Ovary and salpinx, bilateral, salpingo-oophorectomy:
Consistent with adenocarcinoma, well differentiated with mucin production, metastasis from colon, bilateral ovaries ;
1) tumor size: 20x20x15 cm (right) and 15x13x10 cm (left)

No diagnostic abnormalities recognized, bilateral salpinges

© 일원내시경교실 바른내시경연구소 이준행. EndoTODAY Endoscopy Learning Center. Lee Jun Haeng.