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[À§¾Ï 231 (2015-4-8) - Fundic gland type adenocarcinoma]

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¼¼ Áõ·Ê¸¦ ¸ð¾Æ case report ÇÑ ÈÄ ¶Ç ÇÑ Áõ·Ê°¡ ÀÖ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù. ÀÌ»óÇÑ º´¼Ò°¡ º¸¿´´Âµ¥ Á¶Á÷ÇÐÀû Áø´ÜÀÌ Àß µÇÁö ¾Ê´Ù°¡ ´Ù¼Ò ´Ê°Ô Áø´ÜµÈ °æ¿ì¿´½À´Ï´Ù. ¿ö³« µå¹® ÇüÅÂÀÇ Áúº´ÀÎÁö¶ó Áø´ÜÀÌ ¹«Ã´ ¾î·Æ½À´Ï´Ù.

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"Fundic gland type adenocarcinoma (À§Àú¼± ÇüÅÂÀÇ À§¼±¾Ï)À¸·Î ³ª¿Ô½À´Ï´Ù. º» º´¿ø¿¡¼­ 6000¿©¸íÀÇ À§¾ÏȯÀÚ Áß 3¸íÀÌ À־ 2012³â¿¡ Çа迡 º¸°íÇÑ ¹Ù ÀÖ¾ú°í, ÀÌ°Ô ±¹³» ÃÖÃÊ¿´½À´Ï´Ù. 2010³â ÀϺ» Yao¶ó´Â ±³¼ö°¡ óÀ½ ÀÌ ÁúȯÀ» ¸ð¾Æ¼­ Á¤¸®ÇÏ¿© º¸°íÇÑ °ÍÀ̶ó°í ÇÕ´Ï´Ù. Gastric adenocarcinoma of fundic gland type (chief cell predominant type): proposal for a new entity of gastric adenocarcinoma) ÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ÀÌ º´ÀÇ Æ¯Â¡Àº À§ÀÇ »ó´Ü¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÏ°í flatÇÏ°Ô ¿Ã¶ó¿À°í Áß¾ÓÀÌ ¾à°£ ÇÔ¸ôµÉ ¼ö ÀÖ´Â ±×·± ÇüÅÂÀÌ°í ¸Å¿ì õõÈ÷ ÀÚ¶ó´Â ¾ÏÀ̶ó°í ÇÕ´Ï´Ù. Ä¡·á´Â ¼ö¼ú (À§ÀüÀýÁ¦¼ú)ÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ³»½Ã°æÀ¸·Î Ä¡·áÇÏ´Â ±âÁØÀº ´Ù¼Ò ÃÊ°úÇÑ »óÅÂÀÎÁö¶ó ¾Ë°í¼­ Ä¡·áÇÑ °æ¿ì´Â ¾ÆÁ÷ ¾ø´Â °Í °°½À´Ï´Ù. ¿ö³« µå¹® º´ÀÔ´Ï´Ù."

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Ueyama (Am J Clin Pathol 2010:34:609) ³í¹®¿¡´Â fundic gland type adenocarcinomaÀÇ º´¸®ÇÐÀû Ư¡À» ¾Æ·¡¿Í °°ÀÌ ±â¼úµÇ¾î ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.

1. Well differentiated adenocarcinoma
2. Composed of pale gray-blue, basophilic columnar cells with mild nuclear atypia, resembling chief cells
3. Gastric phenotype
4. Low grade malignancy

Gastric phenotypeÀ̶ó´Â ¸»ÀÌ Àͼ÷ÇÏÁö ¾ÊÀ¸½Ç °Í °°¾Æ¼­ ¾Æ·¡¿¡ Ç¥¸¦ ¿Å±é´Ï´Ù.

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