Parasite | Eso | Sto | Cancer | ESD
[Gastric cancer 868. Small AGC. Surgical material at anastomosis site]
001 | 101 | 201 | 301 | 401 | 501 | 601 | 701 | 801 | 901 | 1000
IIa + IIc lesion, especially when the histology is undifferentiated type and there is a definite fold change, can be deeper than its look.
Stomach, radical subtotal gastrectomy: Advanced gastric carcinoma
1. Location : middle third, Center at body and greater curvature
2. Gross type : Borrmann type 2
3. Histologic type : tubular adenocarcinoma, poorly (solid) differentiated
4. Histologic type by Lauren : diffuse
5. Size : 1.3x1.0 cm
6. Depth of invasion : invades muscularis propria (pT2)
7. Resection margin: free from carcinoma: safety margin: proximal 5.5 cm, distal 9.0 cm
8. Lymph node metastasis : no metastasis in 21 regional lymph nodes (pN0)
9. Lymphatic invasion : not identified
10. Venous invasion : not identified
11. Perineural invasion : not identified
12. AJCC stage by 8th edition: pT2 N0
In the first followup EGC (3 months after surgery), the anastomosis site was clean. However, a surgical material (hemolok) was seen at the anastomosis site in the second followup EGD (12 months after surgery).
In the followup endoscopy after subtotal gastrectomy, metallic surgical clips or suture materials can be found. No specific treatment is necessary in most cases.
© ÀÏ¿ø³»½Ã°æ±³½Ç ¹Ù¸¥³»½Ã°æ¿¬±¸¼Ò ÀÌÁØÇà. EndoTODAY Endoscopy Learning Center. Lee Jun Haeng. (2020-6-15)